Wager, esse retorno acontece na reposta da API ( usando o SDK)
Segue mensagem completa
"error": {\r\n
"code": "ValidationFailed",\r\n
"message": "Validation failed",\r\n
"errors": [\r\n
"code": "SchemaValidationError",\r\n
"message": "'30.1' violates pattern constraint of '[0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]{2,8})?'.\r\nThe element 'vItem' with value '30.1' failed to parse."\r\n
"code": "SchemaValidationError",\r\n
"message": "'30.1' violates pattern constraint of '[0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]{2,8})?'.\r\nThe element 'vProd' with value '30.1' failed to parse."\r\n
"code": "SchemaValidationError",\r\n
"message": "Element 'imposto' cannot be empty according to the DTD/Schema."\r\n
"code": "SchemaValidationError",\r\n
"message": "'30.1' violates pattern constraint of '[0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]{2,8})?'.\r\nThe element 'vItem' with value '30.1' failed to parse."\r\n
"code": "SchemaValidationError",\r\n
"message": "'30.1' violates pattern constraint of '[0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]{2,8})?'.\r\nThe element 'vProd' with value '30.1' failed to parse."\r\n
"code": "SchemaValidationError",\r\n
"message": "Element 'imposto' cannot be empty according to the DTD/Schema."\r\n