Status 500 no servidor de envio

Boa tarde amigo,

Logo cedo meu cliente não conseguiu emitir o MDF-e por conta do erro abaixo relatado

“id”: “mdf_3a12f01848b14fe081f508fb09ed7eda”,
“ambiente”: “producao”,
“created_at”: “2024-06-02T11:45:45.649Z”,
“status”: “erro”,
“data_emissao”: “2024-06-02T11:45:44.714Z”,
“serie”: 2,
“numero”: 1651,
“valor_total”: 750.18,
“chave”: “24240612768446000220580020000016511625720773”,
“autorizacao”: {
“id”: “evt_3a12f01848c14d288a52ec082297243b”,
“ambiente”: “producao”,
“status”: “erro”,
“autor”: {
“cpf_cnpj”: “12768446000220”
“chave_acesso”: “24240612768446000220580020000016511625720773”,
“data_evento”: “2024-06-02T11:45:45.665Z”,
“numero_sequencial”: 1,
“codigo_status”: 999,
“motivo_status”: “ESoapFaultError: The server returned a fault [Code=soap:Receiver, Reason=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. —> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
at Procergs.DFe.Infraestutura.DFeLogDAO.GerarLog(String sSiglaSistema, String sNomeServico, String sNomeServidor, String sNomeObjeto, TpLog bytTipoLog, String sMsgLog, Boolean bEnviaEmail, String idOperario, String CnpjEmit, String NroIPEmit, Boolean bAtivaControleQtdEmails) in C:\repos\DFe\Componentes\Procergs.DFe.Infraestutura\DAO\DFeLogDAO.vb:line 59
at mdfeDadosMsg)
— End of inner exception stack trace —, Node=]
SOAP Action: mdfeRecepcao
Status: 500 Internal Server Error”,
“tipo_evento”: “autorizacao”

Aparentemente é um erro interno da SEFAZ, que acredito ser temporário.

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